Friday, January 22, 2010


Books have been keeping me busy this week. The other kind.

This is a busy time of the year for bookkeepers. As a freelance bookkeeper for photographers and photography agencies, right now I'm up to my elbows in 1099's and finalizing 2009 numbers for my clients. Things should go back to normal in about a week or so, just in time to get ready for tax season.

Bookkeeping is a good job for those who like attention to detail, and working freelance helps me make time to write. But that's not my favorite thing about this line of work.

I've gotten all my clients through referrals. Two of my of clients are photographers, two are photography agencies, and they're related. I work for photographer A, and I also work for Agency B who happens to represent photographer A. The same goes for C & D.

What I love best about this arrangement is I get to indulge my inner schizo and send myself emails like this:


Dear Majo,

Thank you very much for the agency commission invoices. All the amounts are correct, but you forgot to include the artist invoice numbers for last week's shoots. Please include and re-send.



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