Reporting live from Cartagena de Indias
A great birthday in twelve steps.
1. Have your brother plan his wedding for the day after your birthday in a kick-ass vacation spot.
2. Wake up and have dad make you a Colombian coffee and arepa breakfast.
3. Go for an easy 5 mile run on the beach.
4. Stretch and have breakfast again.
5. Read, rest, nap, receive happy birthday wishes by phone, email, and social media.
6. Lunch by the beach. Catch of the day: red snapper. Six platters please.
8. Mom-made birthday cake with sparkly flares!
7. Nap, rest, read, and receive more birthday congratulations.
8. A cup of fresh Colombian coffee.
9. Total relaxation on the fifth floor with a view of the old city: swimming pool, sauna, swimming pool, jacuzzi, sauna, swimming pool.
10. Dinner.
11. More cake!
12. Friday night out in the old city. (Still to come)
The only thing that could have made this day even better would've been for friends to join me tonight, but the commute was an ocean and a handful of countries too long for most. Maybe next time.
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