For a while I thought I'd pretend I'd done like the French and just taken off the month of August. Not that I'd gone anywhere. Or rather I went everywhere, but just on my feet. August was about running. So was September. Now it's almost October and I can almost smell undertones of November in the air.
I'm still running. Training for the New York City Marathon has been an adventure with highs and lows. The lows mostly had to do with my being too busy and too tired to do anything, let alone blogging. If you want to know about my training, feel free to head on to the blog and click through the training widget on the right.
And now for some diamond shaped bullets to bring you up to speed:
◇ Nathan and I had a great summer but we haven't been getting along lately. At first I thought I could make things work by adding more velcro but now the flap goes all around my waist and is in the way of my elbow. Nathan's been grumpy and getting all bouncy on me, which makes me unhappy. It might be time to go our separate ways.
◇ May running had me struggling with some aches which ended up being new shoe related. Now I've gone from a stabilizer shoe to a lighter neutral shoe and am hoping to transition towards minimal shoe running. After the marathon, of course.
◇ The longest run to date:18M and it felt great. True story.
◇ Currently obsessing about what to wear for the marathon. I even made myself a running skirt which has performed very well in preliminary trials.
◇ Start line assignments have been made. Corrals, waves, villages, the works. I'm in Green Wave 3, starting at 10:40 am on November 7th, 2010. It still feels surreal.
Where are you going to be November 7th? Cheering or running?