No. I did not bring you any. I already told you that even if I had managed to keep from eating it all, customs wouldn't have let me so stop pestering me. But I do have some answers for you. (The questions are
Colombia has amazing flora and fauna diversity and will knock any country's socks off in terms of butterflies, flowers, fruit, and coffee - plus some other more famous exports that shall not be mentioned. This is just the tip of the fruit basket.
Anna's Guess: Rainbow Olives
Brian's Guess: Applegrape. Great for making wine!
They are ciruelas. Wiki thinks they are similar to
I've never heard of anyone using them to make wine, but it might not be a bad idea. I imagine it would taste like a light dry plum wine with a hint of citrus. They are vaguely similar to large green olives in terms of size and different textures, with they have a large hard pit. The red ones are ripe, juicy and sticky. The green ones are harder and best eaten with a dash of salt. Delicious in all stages of ripeness.
Brian: Nougatberry. It tastes like candy with nuts in it!
Anna: Eggplant Turnips
It's a
Mangostín. It's definitely eggplant colored and it does taste like candy. Ever had
Trader Joe's freeze dried mangosteen? Worth the check-out line but it is highly addictive so be careful
Anna:Poppy Thornberries
Brian: Colombian pricklypear. Like the one from the American southwest, but sweeter, with hints of vanilla.
It's a
pitaya - a kind of yellow dragon fruit. I've seen red dragon fruit at the co-op but I've never tried it so I can't compare, but if you ever bump into a pitaya, just grab it, cut it open, scoop it out and eat it before anyone steals it from you.
The flesh is firm but soft like a medium ripe banana, but it is refreshing and the tiny seeds make it crunchy. Lightly sweet with a cherry lemonade aftertaste.
Anna: Slimy Sesame Oranges
Brian: Mandrita. A cross between a pomegranate and a durian. Only smells a little bit funky.
Think sweetly fragrant oysters with a light taste and you're on the right track.
I once met someone who worked as a private chef in Colombia. When he found out I was from there, he grabbed my arm and asked me if I had ever been able to find
granadillas here. He'd been haunted by their taste and had been unable to find anyone who had even heard of one and was starting to think he had dreamed it.
Nope. It's real. And it's real good. I've never had it anywhere else, but Wiki doesn't seem to think it's that rare.
Brian: Revolution fig. Like a large mission fig, but more tangy.
Ann: Mini Melon Raisins
Níspero - I hear it is similar to
Though not quite as furry as a kiwi, the skin has a similar texture and you eat it in a similar way. The flesh is very soft and melts in your mouth. It tastes almost like caramel.
Off to have second breakfast - this post left me hungry.
I've seen mangosteen and red dragon fruit at the co-op and in Chinatown. Has anyone else had any of these, found them here, or have the scoop on other amazing fruit?